Faith Voices for Strong Climate Provisions

Faith Voices for Strong Climate Provisions

Climate champs, congressional leadership, and President Biden are ramping up for one more big push on the climate provisions in the bill formerly known as Build Back Better. Email your legislator and encourage them to support these key climate provisions! 




Climate champs, congressional leadership, and President Biden are ramping up for one more big push on the climate provisions in the bill formerly known as Build Back Better. Email your legislator and encourage them to support these key climate provisions! 




Faith Voices for Strong Climate Provisions

After a year of work, Congress failed to pass the Build Back Better Act. However, we continue to lift up faith community support for its important climate provisions that will safeguard our Common Home, address the impacts of climate change on our most vulnerable siblings, and fulfill our moral obligation to leave a habitable world for future generations. Send this letter to your federal legislators to encourage them to keep up the pressure to pass key climate provisions! 



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